Friday 14 September 2012

Top 10 Essential Graphic Design Tools for Graphic Designers

Posted by Unknown on 15:06
1) Adobe Photoshop: Ok, this one is a bit obvious, but in case you’re new to the field, we thought we’d list it.  Included in the Creative Suite package, Adobe Photoshop enables you to modify images, design websites, adjust features of a photograph and even create graphics from scratch. Photoshop is equipped with many advanced tools such as layering, editing manipulation, color correction, graphic creation and more.

2) Basecamp: This software is good for graphic designers interested in simplified management, and in collaboration with other freelancers online. You can supervise multiple projects online and refine details of said projects with the Basecamp features, such as project templates, to-do lists for each project and advanced communication devices.

3) Font Doctor: For their work with multiple fonts, you can use this software to effectively handle multiple fonts. You can repair damaged font files, locate the missing postscript of fonts, organize the font cache, convert fonts to other formats and generate reports. All the usual issues with fonts can be easily solved.

4) BrowserShots: A free open-source web application available online, it produces screenshots of your website uploaded onto different browsers. It is a good method to check the appearance of your website, the screen resolutions and color depth on different web browsers. It is possible with this to check out the test screenshots of other graphic designers too.

5) BlenderIt is a free 3D animation program for graphic designers to work on 3D projects. The software has numerous features to enable graphic designers to create integrative 3D applications. Amazing keyframe animation tools are available in the software along with a node-based compositor, stimulation tools, textures, modifiers and much more to produce quality graphics. A strong user interface makes this software worth having.

6) Adobe KulerA flash site that is color focused, giving users the ability to create their own color schemes, alter uploaded themes, browse a cache of themes and access their personal Mykuler account. A community support group gives users the extra inspiration they need.

7) Favicon Generator: Favicons are small icons that are displayed next to the web site’s bookmark menu or in the address bar of its browsers. With this software, it is easy to upload a picture and produce a Favicon for your website as a method of branding.

8) Subtle Patterns: Perfect for downloading free patterns for Photoshop to be used on web projects. The subtlety of the patterns allows its use discretely in your web design.

9) BG PatternsA small web application for mixing and creating background patterns.

10) Dropbox: A data storage device for ensuring a backup for your files, videos and pictures in addition to syncing them up. You can also share files with other graphic designers, clients and associates involved in a group project. This updatesautomatically between your android phone and computer.

The following is a list of honorable mentions that serve graphic designers well in their artistic endeavors:
Inkscape: Simple user interface and capable of producing quality graphic designs.
What the Font: Curious about a font you discovered on the web, the software will tell you which font it is.
Five Second Test: Analyzes the highlights of your design and measures your site’s content.
TypeChart: Aside from retrieving CSS, the site allows for an in-depth study and comparative research on web typography.
With the proper tools, anyone can succeed in his chosen field. The array of graphic design tools can bring life to the imagination of a graphic designer.
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